ALPI@HD Expo Las Vegas

HD Expo Las Vegas
2-4 May 2018
Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas
Booth 5164

ALPI wood collections, formulated thanks to company’s expertise and a passion for aesthetic research on wooden materials, are exhibited at HD EXPO in Las Vegas, the industry’s leading hospitality conference and trade show. On the one hand, continuous research on the reproduction of the colors and grain of natural woods, expressed in the proposals of the Wood Collection; on the other, the reformulation of the intrinsic characteristics of the material to create visual solutions of great originality, in the Designer Collection. ALPI propose a high and diversified range of solutions offering various new materic effects inspired both by the world of nature, with its absolutely evocative forms and colors, and by the world of design par excellence, embodied by graphic solutions of great originality and visual impact.


ALPI@HD Expo Las Vegas


Web Design, Art Direction and Web Programming / FRI-WEB; The pictures are protected by the law of copyright and it is illegal to use them without a written permission.